Personal Trainer's Software

Simple, Fast and Secure. It helps you in managing your customers!



Easy, quick & Mobile

Ability to use and manage the complete software both by PC, Smartphone and Tablet with clarity and simplicity.

Client Management

Personal data, biometric data, addresses, billing information.

Performance Monitoring

Skinfold (plica) and bioimpedentiometrical data insertion, graphical reporting, statistics, printing and archive


Insertion of skinfold test, bio-impedancemetry, functional evaluation, joint mobility, muscle tension / force and cardio vascular evaluation

Food Survey

With a database of hundreds of foods that you can expand with your favorite food and drink, you can customize food tips for your customers.


The anamnesis module allows you to collect the information of your customers that will allow you to better customize your journey together

Training Schedule

Manage your clients' training schedules using PTSoftware 2.0 interactively with the graphics and videos of the ISSA EUROPE certified exercises.


Your data is safe. You do not have to install anything on your PC / Tablet and you can access the software from any internet location.


  • Software for Personal Trainers

    PT Software 2.0 is a software for personal trainers achieved with ISSA methodology, quick and easy to use and no installation required. Give a more professional image to your customers, with a quality and precision instrument.

  • Quick and cheap activation

    Try now for FREE PT Software 2.0. Start measuring and monitoring your customers right away!
    Included in the price  5 credits * (= 5 customers). Every single customer you want to manage with the most professional personal trainer software on the market costs only € 1.

    * 1 credit will be deducted from each customer who manages the software. A credit costs only € 1 and you can buy it whenever you want ... pay only for what you use.

  • Client Management

    Manage your client's master data. Management of personal information, contact information, addresses and much more. Your customers can access the software and view at any time the results they have reached thanks to your professionalism and to the help from the software

  • Measurements

    By using PTSoftware 2.0 you can save your client's measurements with a handy software. The software will automatically calculate values as ideal weight, BMI, overweight %, morphological size, circumference and diameter measurements and much more.

  • Performance Charts

    Keep your customers constantly monitored and follow them in their training path and with the help of the PTSoftware 2.0 you can show your customers their progress achieved. The customer can access the progress report staying up to date with his progress. With the software you can create reports, prints, and data analysis charts that will help you deliver an accurate and professional service.

  • Client Invoicing

    With PTSoftware 2.0 you have the possibility to enter your products (subscriptions) and issue invoices to your customers, for a more orderly management of your payments. You will also have the opportunity to export all the invoices in one click quickly and easily if you need to deliver them to your accountant.

  • Food Survey

    With a database of hundreds of foods that you can expand with your favorite food and drink, you can customize food tips for your customers. In a simple way and in a few steps you can calculate the total energy requirement, turn it into macro nutrients, and keep track of the calories of each food, of the single meal and of the whole day. In addition to this, PTSoftware 2.0, unique in its kind, will monitor the glycemic load and the trend of the renal load (pral) of the single food and meal, in addition your customers will be able to print the shopping list !!

  • Workout Schedule

    Manage your customers' training schedules using PTSoftware 2.0 interactively, with the graphics and videos of the ISSA EUROPE certified exercises. Create workouts, save and upload templates, print or e-mail your customers. Manage your schedules or insert other exercises by personalizing them with your photos and videos! Include your customers too by letting them use PTSoftware 2.0. Through an easy-to-use interface they can consult workouts and interact with you anywhere!

  • Anamnesis module

    The anamnesis module allows you to collect your customers' information and keep them safe and password protected. Essential information that will allow you to better customize your journey together.

  • Joint Mobility Measurement

    The joint mobility module will allow you to estimate the mobility of your customers and to keep them constantly monitored thanks to a simple and effective graphic visualization. By carrying out the tests you will be able to better plan the training of your customers!

  • Muscle Tension Measurement

    The muscle tension module will allow you to check the tensions to create a detailed report of which muscles to stretch and which to strengthen to effectively choose the most suitable exercises to insert in the training card.

  • Cardiovascular Measurement

    The cardiovascular test allows you to estimate the respiratory capacity of your clients in order to plan aerobic training. The detailed graphical and report visualization of all the tests will allow you to have precise results of the client's improvements and performances.


PT Software is an ISSA product

ISSA is a school for Training Leaders in Fitness. Since 1997 it provides Personal Fitness Trainer Certification courses. The PT Software 2.0 is an instrument for the storage of client's measurements, making statistic analysis on the measurements, graphically visualize the trends, manage the biometric data of the customers.

